Marines (from the English adjective marine, meaning of the sea, from Latin marinus

Tasks undertaken by marines have included providing security in a warship whilst at sea, reflecting the pressed nature of the ships' company and the risk of mutiny. Other tasks would include boarding of vessels during combat or capture of prize ships and providing manpower for raiding ashore in support of the naval objectives. Marine elements would also contribute to the campaign ashore, in support of the military objective.
The Spanish Naval Infantry (Infantería de Marina), is the oldest Marine Corps in the world, formed in 1537.
With the industrialization of warfare in the 20th Century the scale of landing operations increased, and brought with it an increased likelihood of opposition, and a need for co-ordination of various military elements. Marine forces evolved to specialize in the skills and capabilities required for amphibious warfare.
The word Marine was originally used for the forces of England and United States, and the exact term marine does not exist in many other languages. Typically, foreign equivalents are called naval infantry or navy infantry (e.g., as in Spain, Germany, and Russia) or coastal infantry. In French-speaking countries, two terms exist which could be translated as marine: troupes de marine and fusiliers-marins; similar pseudo-translations exist elsewhere, e.g., Fuzileiros Navais in Portuguese. The word marine means Navy in many European languages such as Spanish, French, Italian, German, Dutch, Swedish and Norwegian.
The principal role of marine troops is military operations in the littoral zone, operating from ships they are trained to land on and secure key points to around 50 miles inland.
Marine units primarily deploy from warships using helicopters, landing craft, hovercraft or amphibious vehicles with some force elements capable of parachute insertion.
In addition to their primary role, marine troops are also used in a variety of other naval roles such as boarding operations, ship and port security or riverine operations.
The Naval Infantry of the Armada of Argentina (Infantería de Marina de la Armada de la República Argentina, IMARA) is a part of the Argentine Navy. Argentine Marines have the same rank insignia and titles as the rest of the Navy. It is composed of a Fleet Marine Force (one Marine Battalion, plus artillery, air defence, communications, logistics, engineer and vehicle units), a Southern Marine Force (2 Marine Battalions), a River Operations Battalion, a Special Forces Unit (the Amphibious Commandos Group) and several Security Battalions and Companies. The 5th Battalion of the Infanteria de Marina fought and lost against three British battalions in the Falklands War (Spanish: Guerra de las Malvinas/Guerra del Atlántico Sur).
The Bolivian Naval Force includes about 2,000 naval infantry personnel and marines
Brazilian Marine Corps in a combat training
The Corps of Naval Fusiliers (Corpo de Fuzileiros Navais), is subordinate to the Brazilian Navy. The Marine Corps is composed of an Operational Brigade and some Guard and Ceremonial Duty Battalions. The main unit is the brigade-sized Divisão Anfíbia (Amphibious Division).
The Royal Cambodian Navy created a force of 2,000 marines in 2007.
Chilean Navy special forces seen here using the MP5N
The Chilean Corps of Naval Infantry (Cuerpo de Infanteria de Marina) is a branch of the Chilean Navy. They specialise in performing amphibious assaults, and belong to the Chilean Special Forces Unit, along with the Combat Divers. The Corps is composed of four units, organized along the Chilean territory. Each one with their own anti-aircraft guns, artillery and landing craft.
* People's Liberation Army Marine Corps
The 24000-member Colombian Marine Corps is organized into a single division with three brigades (one amphibious assault brigade and two riverine brigade), each with several battalions plus numerous small security units. It is a part of the Colombian Navy.
The Croatian Navy maintains a 200 man (naval infantry corps) headquartered in Split. The group consists in three companies divided between Pula, Sibenik, Ploce and the 4th Guards Brigade (based at Split) which was transferred to the Croatian Navy as a naval infantry unit in January 2002.
The Cuban Revolutionary Navy (Marina de Guerra Revolucionaria, or MGR) maintains a small marine battalion called the Desembarco de Granma.
The 5000 man Ecuadorian Navy maintains a 1700 man Naval Infantry Corps (Cuerpo de Infanteria de Marina) headquartered in Guayaquil. It was formed on 12 November 1962. It is organised into two security battalions, one east in the Amazon River area and the other on the coast. There is also a commando battalion based in the Galápagos Islands.
El Salvador
The El Salvador Navy included two 600-man Marine Infantry Battalions (Batallon de Infanteria de Marina—BIM), and a 300 man Naval Commando Force. The BIMs were located at La Unión and Usulatan.
The 111th Independent Mechanized Brigade (formerly the 130th Marine Amphibious Brigade) of the Egyptian Army can conduct amphibious assault operations. There is also the 153d Commando Group with three Marine Commandos Battalions (515th, 616th, 818th) controlling 12 Marine Commandos Companies.
The Meredessantpataljon, was a short lived marine infantry battalion of the Estonian Navy. The battalion was created in 1919 from the crews of the Estonian surface warships and was based in Tallinn . The unit was mainly used on the Southern Front during the Estonian War of Independence. The unit was operational from March to June in 1919. Today there are no marine infantry units among the Estonian Defence Forces.
Finnish coastal jaegers in a landfall exercise
The F innish Uusimaa Brigade (Swedish: Nylands brigad) in Ekenäs is part of the Finnish Navy and trains the Finnish coastal jaegers. The detachment is the only Swedish-speaking unit in the Finnish Defence Forces.
In the French armed forces both the French Army and the French Navy possesses troops called marines:
French Army

The troupes de marine were founded in 1622 (officially titled compagnies ordinaires de la mer) as land forces under the control of the Secretary of State of the Navy, notably for operations in French
Canada. The Compagnies de la Mer were transformed in line infantry regiments by Napoleon, but became once more Marine Forces in 1822 (for the artillery) and 1831 (for the Infantry). These Troupes de marines were in the 19th century the main overseas and colonial forces of the French military. In 1900 they were put under the orders of the War Ministry and took the name of Troupes Coloniales (Colonial Forces). In 1967 the name of the Troupes Coloniales was changed back to Troupes de Marine, but they continued to serve in the French Army.
- The Commandos Marine (literally "Navy Commandos", sometimes loosely translated as "M arine commandos") are an elite special operations unit of the French navy.
- The Navy also includes the Fusiliers Marins (literally "sailors riflemen"), who protect naval bases and serve on capital ships. Currently the Naval Fusiliers consists of two battalion and seven companies and a Naval support Base.
The Deutsche Marine (German Navy) maintains two distinct marine commando orga nizations:
- The Spezialisierte Einsatzkräfte Marine (Naval Special Deployment Force) is a special operations formation of the German Navy. The battalion includes the Kampfschwimmerkompanie, the Minentaucherkompanie and a boarding-company. The unit is based at Eckernförde.
- The Marineschutzkräfte (Naval Protection Force), which are responsible for the protection of naval bases and facilities. The battalion is based in Eckernförde and it organized into five units: one staff & support company, three infantry companies and a military intelligence platoon.

32nd Marine Brigade "Moravas" (32η Ταξιαρχία Πεζοναυτών Mοράβας) is a unit of naval infantry maintained by the Hellenic Army.
The Honduran Navy established at least one 600-man Marine Infantry Battalion (Batallón de Infantería de Marina — BIM) in 1982.
* The Indian Navy has an elite special operations unit called the Marine Commando Force. It is commonly referred to as "MARCOS", meaning Marine Commandos, or MCF. They form a special/covert operations and counter-terrorism unit specializing in sea-based land warfare. Also, they provide support to Indian Army units in specialized areas, such as prev enting infiltration in Jammu and Kashmir's Wular lake. This unit was established in 1986, and is reputed to have a strength of 2000 per sonnel.
* The Indian Army maintains the 340 Independent Infantry Brigade (Amphibious) subordinate to 12 C orps (Jodhpur, Rajasthan) of the South Western Command
Marine Corps (Korps Marinir TNI AL) , a part of the Indonesian Navy established on 15 N

The Indonesian Marine Corps (Indonesian: Korps Marinir, KorMar) is the Indonesian National Navy's ground troops. It was created on Nove mber 15, 1945, and is the country's main amphibious warfare force and quick reaction force against enemy invasion.
Kormar has been active in various military operations in Indonesia. One of the largest amphibious military operations was Operation Jayawijaya in which thousands of marines landed in West Irian in the early 1960s as a part of the Trikora campaign to take West Irian
from Dutch occupation.
In 1999 a plan was proposed to expand the Kormar from its strength of 13,000 troops. Based on this plan, every Kormar's base would have three combat brigades: the Infantry, Cavalry, and Artillery an d would be supported by one Combat Support Regiment and one Administration Support Regim ent. The expansion will create three Kormar bases: Surabaya for Eastern area command, Jakarta for Central area command, and Rate Island in Lampung for Wes tern area command. Now the Indonesian Marine Corps has an estimated 29,000 troops in 2 marine force or ( PASMAR ) equal to division in the army and one infantry marine regime nt.

Due to budget restraints, the Korps has reduced the amount of allotted training time with armored vehicles. This has re sulted in a largely ineffective defensive force that is surpassed by the regular army.
2 Marine Forces plus one independent brigade (forming as part of Ten Year Defence Plan 2004-13)

* 1st Marine Force (HQ : Surabaya Marine Base)
o 1st Marine Infantry Brigade with 1st, 3rd, and 5th Marine Infantry Battalions
o 1st Marine Cavalry Regime nt
o 1st Marine Artillery Regiment
o 1st Marine Combat Support Regiment
o 1st Marine Administration Support Regiment
o 1st Amphibious Recon Battalion
* 2nd Marine Force (HQ : Jakarta Marine Base)
o 2nd Marine Infantry Brigade with 2nd, 4th, and 6th Marine Infantry Battalions
o 2nd Marine Cavalry Regiment
o 2n d Marine Artillery Regiment
o 2nd Marine Combat Support Regiment
o 2nd Marine Administration Support Regiment
o 2nd Amphibious Recon Battalion
* 3rd Marine Independent Infantry Brigade (HQ : )
o 7th, 8th, 9th Marine Infantry Battalions
Marine Commandos

* At the fall of the Shah in the Iranian Revolution of 1979, the Imperial Iranian Navy had three battalions of marines. That force has since expanded to 2,600 personnel, two Marine Brigades each of three M arine Battalions. These two brigades have also been reported as t hree Marine Battalions in the Islamic Republic of Iran Navy (may be part of the Iranian Army).
* The Navy of the Revolutionary Guard Corps maintains several units which may perform marine-type functions to include at least one 5,000 man Brigade of three or four Marine Battalions. They also have a Takavar Naval Commando Battalion
The Iraqi Navy is a small force with 800 sailors and six platoons of marines designed to protect the shoreline and inland waterways from insurgent infiltration. The navy is also responsible for the security of offshore oil platforms. The navy will have coastal patrol squadrons, assault boat squadrons and a marine battalion. The force will consist of 2,000 to 2,500 sailors by year 2010.

The Italian military maintains two marine type units:
* The Italian Navy (Marina Militare) has a marine unit, the San Marco Regiment, based in Brindisi.
* COMSUBI N (Commando Raggruppamento Subacquei ed Incursori Teseo Tesei) is the elite combat frogman force of the Navy and one of the Italian special forces.
* The Italian Army (Esercito Italiano) has its own Marine infantry unit, the Serenissim a Regiment, based in Venice. Its soldiers are called Lagunari.
South Korea

* Republic of Korea Marine Corps
North Korea
The NKPA's Light Infantry Training Guidance Bureau has a two or more amphibious light infantry/sniper brigades. These brigades are believed deployed to Wonsan on the eas t coast and Namp'o and Tasa-ri on the west coast. In organization and manpower, they are reduced versions of the regular light infantry brigades with a total strength of approximately 5,000 men organized into ten battalions. Each battalion has about 400 men organize d into five companies each. Some amphibious brigade personnel are trained as frogmen[6].
The Mexican Navy (Armada de Mexico) - The Mexican Marines consists 8,000 men in a brigade of three battalions, plus a battalion attached to the Presidential Guard Brigade, three Regional battalions with headquarters in Mexico City, Acapulco, and Veracruz, and thirty-five independent companies and detachments distributed among ports, bases, and zonal headquarters. The marines are responsible for port security, protection of the ten- kilometer coastal fringe, and patrolling major waterways. In addition to having light arms, the marines are equip ped with 105mm towed howitzers, 60mm and 81mm mortars, and 106mm recoilless rifles, as well as Pegaso BMR VAP-3550 and BTR-60 amphibious vehicles. The marines riverine duties have been incr easingly taken over by the Mexican Army. More recently the Navy has ceded most of its ri verine responsibilities (formally handled by the Marines) to the Army, and has reduced the size of the Marine force, putting them back aboard ships where they play a vital role in drug interdiction and boarding of suspect vessels in territorial waters.
The Myanmar Navy raised a naval infantry battalion of 800 men in 1964, followed by a second battalion in 1967, 3rd and 4th battalions may have also been raised. They were deployed mainly to the Arakan and Tenasserim areas, and to the Irrawaddy delta, to assist in counter-insurgency operations, but also performed other security duties.
The Royal Ne

Enlist ed marine recruit training lasts 30 weeks, as for marine officers, it takes up to 5 years (including naval academy). Similar to the United Kingdom's Royal Marines, they both share a Bond of Friendship.
Kystjegerkommandoen (KJK: in English "The Coastal Ranger Command") of the Norwegian Navy is an amphibious unit trained to operate in littoral combat theatres, filling the role of a marine corps and coastal artillery.

The Pakistani Navy operates two amphibious organizations.
* The Pakistan Marines The Marines division was re-established on April 14, 1990 with about 2000 men and plans to expand the force significantly by 2015. The naval marines are based at Port Qasim naval base.
* Special Service Group Navy (SSGN) is an elite special operations force similar to t he Royal Navy's Special Boat Service and United States Navy SEALs.
The Paraguayan Marine Corps (Cuerpo de Fuzilieros Navale) is a battalion sized organization consisting of four company sized brigades.
3,000 man Marine Infantry of Peru (Infantería de Marina del Perú) included an amphibious brigade of three battalions and local security units with two transports (one used as a school ship), four tank landing ships, and about forty Portuguese Chaimite armored personnel carriers. Since 1982 IMAP detachments have been deployed, under army command, in counterinsurgency capacities in Ayacucho and Huancavelica departments.
The Philippine Marine Corps (PMC) has a strength of about 9,000 men divided in to three (3) brigades. The Marine units include three infantry manoeuvre brigades, each composed of three tactical infantry battalions with one infantry battalion in reserve and one heavy weapon s battalion (composed of the 105mm howitzer, 106mm recoilless gun, along with amphibious vehicles (LVT) and various armoured units). Two of the Marine battalions have specialised roles: the Force Reco nn aissance (Recon) battalion is used for rapid airlift to troubled areas. This Recon Battalion is also trained in shipboarding attacks. The Marine Guard battalion is deployed in urban warfare and in defence of installations. The Philippine Marine Corps is also considered the shock force of the Armed Forces and is the first unit to be involved in any amphibious or seaborne clashes.
* The Polish Navy maintains several naval Infantry units responsible for port and coa stal security.
Since 1621 the Portuguese Navy has maintained a naval infantry corps, which is currently known as Corpo de Fuzileiros. The Portuguese Marine Corps consists of about 1500 men, including two naval infantry battalions, a naval police unit, a special operations unit and several suppor t units (logistical, fire support, landing craft, etc.).

The 307th Marine Battalion (Batalionul 307 Infanterie Marină) is the light infantry/reconnaissance/special operations unit of the Romanian Navy. It is located i n Babadag, Tulcea County, and it was formed in the mid 1970s for the defence of the Danube Delta and Romanian Black Sea shore. Its operational capabilities are the same as those of the United States Marine Corps Reconnaissance Battalions, which provided member exchange programmes and instructors to its Romanian counterpart. Its base is near the largest military training range in Romania.

The Russian Naval Infantry, (Russian: Морская пехота) are the amphibious forces of the Russian Armed Forces. The naval infantry includes the 55th Division of the Russian Pac ific Fleet, the detached brigades of the Northern and Baltic Fleets and of the Caspian Military Flotilla, and the detached regiment of the Black Sea Fleet. SPUTNIK is the name of the Arctic Ocean Northern Fleet Marine Main Naval Base.
Saudi Arabia
The Saudi Navy maintains two 1500 (approx) man marine brigades consisting of three battalions each. The brigades are assigned to the Western Fleet Headquartered in Jeddah and the Eastern Fleet headquartered in Jubail. The brigades are equipped with 200 Pegaso BMR AFV's and US made HMMWVs.
South Africa
The South African Navy's new Rapid Reaction Squadron is a marine type unit. It is planned that this squadron will eventually be a battalion sized unit. Currently it consists of roughly two companies. Members are sailors and use Naval ranks. They are trained in infantry combat up to compan y sized operations. They are also used for crowd control and conduct peacek e eping operations. During peacekeeping operations they are meant to augment and Army infantry battalion. Their role is very similar to the now disbanded South Africa Marine Corps.
The Spanish Navy Marines (Infantería de Marina), are the oldest existing marine force in the world, as they were established on February 27, 1537 by Charles I when he permanentl y assigned the Compañías Viejas del Mar de Nápoles (Naples Sea's Old Companies) to the Escuadras de Galeras del Mediterráneo (Mediterranean Galley Squadrons). Their red tr ouser stripes mark the Infanteria de Marina as part of the Royal Household Corps, a honor only shared with the Royal Guard, and were given by Charles III to the marines in reward for their f ierce defence of the Castillo del Morro in Havana against the British fleet in 1763.
Miguel de Cervantes fought as a Infante de Marina in the naval battle of Lepanto (1571), receiving a wound that permanently crippled his left arm.
Spanish Navy Marines deploying from an AAV-7 during an exhibition In the Sardinero b each in Santander, in celebration of Armed Forces Day (Dia de las Fuerzas Armadas) in 2009.
Sri Lanka
* Special Boat Squadron is the elite special operations unit of the Sri Lanka Navy. It is ca pable of carrying out amphibious raids/operations, maritime counter-terrorism, reconnaissan ce and target indication, combat swimmer missions and small boat operations. As a Special Forc es unit, its role is not limited to water-borne operations. It also conducts operations on land, eithe r with ground combat units of the Navy and the Army, or separately.
* Naval Patrolmen are naval infantry units of the Sri Lanka Navy. Its current size is unknown, however it may be 2-3 battalions strong. These units were formed primary as a protective force for base and port security, but has since been trained and deployed for amphibious and land combat operations. In addition to being equipped with light arms, the patrolmen have 60mm, 82mm mortars and operate Unibuffel light armored vehicles
Swedish amphibious Corps (Svenska amfibiekåren) is the amphibious arm of the Swed ish Navy. The corps is organized in one amhipious battalion, capable of everything from reconnaissance, amphibious assaults and combat on, of and under the surface. The Amphibious Corp s wears the green beret.
Republic of China (Taiwan)

* Republic of China Marine Corps

* Royal Thai Marine Corps or RTMC.
The Turkish Navy maintains several Marine and Special Operations units. These include the Amphibious Marines Brigade (Amfibi Deniz Piyade Tugayı), several commando detachments and two special operations forces:
- Amphibious Marines Brigade - (Amfibi Deniz Piyade Tugayı) consisting of 4500 men based in Foça near İzmir, three amphibious battalions, an MBT battalion, an artillery battalion, a support battalion and other company-sized units.
- Su Altı Taarruz - (S.A.T.) (Underwater Attack). The missions of the Su Altı Taarruz (SAT) include the acquisition of military intelligence, amphibious assault, counter-terrorism and VIP protection.
- Su Altı Savunma - (S.A.S.) (Underwater Defense).
Ukrainian Marines, founded in 1993 from a unit of the former Soviet Naval Infantry.
United Arab Emirates
The UAE maintains a small battalion sized marine force called the UAE Marines, it is equipped with BTR-3s.
United Kingdom

United States

- The United States Marine Corps (USMC) is currently the largest marine force in the world, responsible for much of the United States' expeditionary operations.[10] While the USMC is a compone nt part of the Department of the Navy, in the military command structure, it is a military branch separate from the United States Navy.
- The Navy Expeditionary Combat Command was created in 2005 to support the United States Army and Marine Corps in expeditionary operations.
- The U.S. Marine Corps shares a Bond of Friendship with the Royal Marines of the United Kingdom.
The Uruguayan Marine Corps-FUSNA (Cuerpo de Fusileros Navales) is a battalion-sized organization consisting of four company sized brigades.
The Venezuelan Marine Corps (Infantería de Marina) of Venezuela is a sub-division of the Venezuelan Navy which forms part of the National Armed Forces of the BRV. Headquartered in Meseta de Mamo, Vargas, the estimated numerical strength of this unit is of approx. 8,000 men and women. Its mission is to "enlist and direct its units in order to form the disembarking force and/or support of amphibious or special operations; executing naval safeguarding and environmental policing, as well as actively participating in the national development".
The Vietnam People's Navy maintains a Naval Infantry Force of which not much is known. It once stood at 11 brigades each of several battalions. The first Naval Infantry unit was established in 1975 is 126th Brigade. Nowadays, Vietnam maintains two Naval Infantry brigades, the 101st Brigade and 147th Brigade.