Per flydiagonal blue over white; in top hoist white "A", in bottom fly blue "P".
P.T. Arpeni Pratama Ocean Line, Jakarta

Spanish-style RBR; in center white cluttering of letters (serifed APL)
P.T. Bahari Haluan Samudera

Horizontally striped in blue-white-blue-white-blue, in proportions approximately 2:3:1:3:2 with the initials "BHS" along the center, over the central blue stripe and part of the white ones, in dark red.
P.T. Berlian Lahu Tanker, Jakarta

Red flag, blue diamond, white "BLT".
Bahana Utama Line

PT Bahana Utama Line or BUL, member of the Dwima Group, is an Indonesian shipping company based at Jakarta. Website (in English), sporting a drawing of the house flag: http://bahana-line.com/.
Founded in 1972, the initial concern was exportation of timber by ship. Further developments concerned agencies, c hartering and brokerage. Current long-term contracts include transporting fertilizer, cooperation with Wan Hai and Yang Ming in the field of container handling, and diversification towards road transportation, forwarding, and warehousing. We also learn that, in spite of slackening business, BUL hopes to become a cargo operator needing a larger fleet and to establish itself as an important multimodal logistics company. Meanwhile an overview of important agencies and branches is offered here: http://bahana-line.com/content/view/19/39/. Besides chartered vessels BUL operates thirteen ships, eight of which transport timber; also carried are fertilizer and containers (each two ships), and chemicals (one). For an impressive number of branch offices and subsidiaries, see the site’s left menu.
The flag is a red field bearing large white initia ls “BUL” without serifs. I suspect the initials are placed on a straight line (i.e. not staggered) and the funnel, as shown on
P.T. Djakarta Lloyd

PT Djakarta Lloyd (Jakarta, Indonesia) - red-white-red with red DL - http://www.dlloyd.co.id/container.jpg. I was wondering about the use of the "Lloyd" and is this the reason for using the red-white-red flag?
Dov Gutterman, 15 October 2003
I think that there may be some relationship with Nedlloyd, formerly Rotterdamsche Lloyd, which had a flag chequy red and white with a blue block in the center. Djakarta Lloyd's flag is red-white-red with red letters DL in the center of the white stripe (the blue color may have been removed to associate it more with the Indonesian flag (and less with the Dutch one)). But that's only a guess.
P.T. Freight Liner Indonesia

PT Freight Liner Indonesia is a shipping agency with headquarters at Jakarta, Indonesia. Website (in English): http://www.freightlinerindo.com/default.asp. Among the company’s activities are ship ag encies, stevedoring, project handling and logistics services; also offered are chartering and ship management. Explicitly mentioned are Freight Liner’s ties with Ethiopian Shipping Lines and Perkapalan Dai Zhun Lines of Malaysia. Local offices – eight in all – include Surabaya, Semarang, Medan, etc.
Shown on the website header is a gently waving flagoid (no photos found yet): fifteen horizontal stripes blue-white etc. with large red initials “FLI”, without serifs and fimbriated white, over all (or to put it differently, encroaching upon all) but the uppermost and lowermost stripes. In the absence of a photo (if only of a table flag) it is impossible to say whether the white stripes are meant to be as wide as the blue ones: in the drawing this seems not to be the case.
P.T. Perusahaan Pelayaran Samudera Gesuri Lloyd

Gesuri Lloyd (P.T. Perusahaan Pelayaran Samudera Gesuri Lloyd), Jakarta - White flag, red stylized "GL".
Indobaruna Bulk Transport

Indobaruna Bulk Transport, Jakarta - blue flag, white diamond, red "IBT".
PT Lautan Indah Makmur

PT Lautan Indah Makmur’ is an Indonesian maritime company established at Batam. As explained here, this firm provides port agency services and crew management:
http://ptlautanindahmakmur.indonetwork.net/profile/pt-lautan-indah-makmur-lim.htm. This directory page shows a red flag(oid) bearing large white initials “LIM” (no serifs). The company website (in English) provides more information of course but also shows a different flag drawing – black letters “PT.LIM” (no serifs) on a red field:
Presenting themselves:: “LIM SHIPPING [is] amongst the Nationals fastest growing shipping company, with several transportation vessels mainly tug and barges [to] support (...) Indonesia’s shipping fleet. Developing steadily to become one of the (...) largest owners/operators of Tug and Barges as well as offshore services vessels, to support service oil and gas business...” (One vessel, tugboat ‘Minggu’, is listed and described.) We also learn that the firm was founded in 2000, commencing business with one barge and a wooden tug but profited from the government’s economic stimuli in aid of Batam Island. Further services provided include towage, technical support, and a vessel management information system.
The second flag(oid) version is less readable and not so well drawn so I would not be surprised if further findings would confirm the red-and-white version (in the national colours, too.
P.T. Pelayaran Meratus

When accessing PT Pelayaran Meratus’s website (in English) we may be forgiven for thinking that the logo which appears would be appearing on the house flag: http://www.meratusline.com/, but what I found is altogether more traditional – an initial on a diamond! The logo of this Indonesian, Surabaya based shipping company consists of four red stylized, lower case initials ‘m’ placed in a square, all of them with the top inwards. The diamond flag appears on indoshippinggazette.com as a drawing: red field with white diamond (touching the flag’s edges) bearing a large red initial ‘M’, apparently without serifs – the national colours.
This Shipspotting photo by Ivan Meshkov (22 Jun 2008) shows the house flag conveniently near a funnel with a similar design:
Founded in 1957 operating one rice-carrying ship on a local run, Meratus now owns over thirty container and bulk ships. According to the site “in 1990 after the deregulation in the inter-island shipping, Meratus Line became the first shipping line in Indonesia to offer customers a fully containerized inter-island service”. ‘Mitra Intertrans Forwarding’ or MIF is an owned logistics company offering its services nationally, supplementing seaborne transportation.
Jan Mertens, 9 June 2009
PT Mentari Sejati Perkasa

PT Mentari Sejati Perkasa or Ocean Shipping Co. is an Indonesian shipping, warehousing and distribution company established at Surabaya, Java. It was founded in 1996 in the break bulk shipping business switching to containers in 2001. Since then stevedoring (2003) and logistic services (2004) were added. Website (English version): http://www.ptmsp.com/. Regular container service is maintained between on runs linking Jakarta, Surabaya, Ternate, Makassar, and other places. Eight ships are owned or operated the names of which all start with ‘Mentari’.
Shown on the site banner (and on the trucks and containers) is a flagoid: horizontally divided light blue-white-light blue, company initials in red ‘MSP’ in the white stripe. The real thing I believe may be seen (with a little help from the focus function) on this Shipspotting photo: http://www.shipspotting.com/modules/myalbum/photo.php?lid=406735. If the photo really shows the house flag – dark blue stripes, there – then the flag image on the site (and trucks and containers) is only an approximation.
P.T. Nusantara Bahari

P.T. Nusantara Bahari, Jakarta - verical RWR flag; in center black "B".
P.T. Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia

The flag of P.T. Pelayaran Nasional Indonesia (The National Indonesian Shipping Company), in short Pelni, is quartered red and white with a white star in the middle of the first quarter. The company is incorporated in Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia. The colours of the flag are evidently taken from the national flag.
Source: Pelni website http://www.pelni.com
P.T. Porodisa Raya Shipping Lines

Green flag, white oval, charged with red "PL" below and above a green bent.
P.T. Pilindo Megah Selatan "PMS" (Pacific International Lines)

Pacific International Lines Ltd. (Shipping Company Singapore) or Pacific International Lines (Pte) Ltd. as it was renamed 3.6.1971 having been formed in 1967, has used the same flag format for some of its subsidiaries/joint ventures by changing the lettering. Thus we have P.T. Pilindo Megah Selatan of Jakarta, Indonesia "PMS".
P.T. Perusahaan Pelayaran Nusantara (Panurjwan)

P.T. Perusahaan Pelayaran Nusantara (Panurjwan), Jakarta - horizontal 5 stripes of red and white; black "PNP".
P.T. Pupuk Sriwidjaja (PUSRI)

P.T. Pupuk Sriwidjaja (PUSRI), Jakarta - blue flag, white diamond, in center the firm's logo.
P.T. Perusahaan Pelayaran Samudera Indonesia

Perusahaan Pelayaran Samudera Indonesia, Jakarta - horizontal 5 stripes of red and white, black "S".
PT Taruna Kusan Jaya

ndonesian, Jakarta based shipping company Taruna Kusan Jaya is specialized in heavy freight. Company website (in English): http://www.taruna.co.id/:
“We own and operate several landing crafts (LCTs). These vessels enable us to load and transport various kinds of heavy freight, such as manufacturing machineries, generators and construction materials, and heavy equipments, such as excavators, cranes and articulated dump trucks, to the most remote region in Indonesia where the regular cargo ship cannot carry nor reach.” Taruna also ships explosive cargo, charters ships, acts as freight broker and offers stevedoring and insurance services.
Direct link to house flag (drawing) as found on the site at http://taruna.co.id/TKJ_new_flag_logo.JPG. Red field with white diamond (almost touching the flag’s edges) bearing a large red initial ‘T’, serifed. “New flag logo”: does this mean a new flag (version) or merely a new drawing? See: http://www.shipping-international.com/companies/taruna-kusan-jaya-shipping.html/a> where basically the same flag is shown but with a smaller diamond.
Trikora Lloyd (P.T. Perusahaan Pelayaran Samudera "Trikora Lloyd"), Jarkata

Red flag, white diamond bordered blue, charged with blue "TRIKORA".
P.T. Perusahaan Pelayaran Samudera "Karana Line"
Karana Line (P.T. Perusahaan Pelayaran Samudera "Karana Line"), Jakarta - white flag, blue "H".