Pirates of The Caribbean 4 in 2011 Johnny Depp is back as Jack Sparrow
Walt Disney Pictures succeeded in both reviving the pirate movie genre and creating a successful franchise with Pirates of The Caribbean. So no wonder they don't want to kill the goose that lays the golden eggs and try to reap as much profit as they can from it.

That's why it has been decided to produce Pirates of The Caribbean 4. The movie is slated for a 2012 release. Update: the movie Pirates of the Caribbean 4 is now scheduled for a release in 2011!
Quite sad we have to wait so long but I bet it will be worth it!
Let's try to see what to expect from Pirates of the Caribbean 4:
Director Gore Verbinski, who was in charge of the first three opus of Pirates of the Caribbean. He is still attracted to the idea of using modern technology to resurrect a genre that had disappeared after the Golden Age of Hollywood. But he does want Pirates of the Caribbean 4 to be a let down movie, he was quoted saying:
"[...] the big danger is diminishing the brand [...] it would have to be a tale worthy of telling"
And for him to return he noted that
"I would start fresh and focus on the further adventures of Captain Jack Sparrow."
Director Gore Verbinski has not yet confirmed his commitment but I'm quite sure he will be attached to the fourth Pirates of the Caribbeans movie one way or anoter.
It has been reported that Keira Knightley does not wish to continue playing her character of Elizabeth Swann, she prefers to commit to different projects.
About Orlando Bloom who had the role of Will Turner: well, if Keira Knightley does not come back the dude is useless. Actually I'd rather not see him come back: it will be more time on screen for Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow!
Johnny Depp has officially signed on for Pirates of the Caribbean in September 2008. I am so glad he is back as the pirate Jack Sparrow! I agree with Director Gore Verbinski: Pirates of The Caribbean 4 should focus on Jack Sparrow. I really like this facetious character: if it was not Johnny Depp's performance I doubt the Pirates of the Caribbean would have ever taken off to the box office.
Looks like the next Pirates of The Caribbean movie will recenter on Jack Sparrow, the famous facetious character played by Johnny Depp. At least that’s what Director Gore Verbinski, who was in charge of the previous movies, hinted at.
More details at: Pirates of The Caribbean 4 in 2011 Johnny Depp is back as Jack Sparrow
There were rumors about Johnny Depp asking for quite a lot of money to make Pirates of The Carribean 4. They’ve been denied since, but I still believe that there is some truth in those rumors: Walt Disney Pictures may try to bargain but at the end, if they want this film to be a success, they can’t take the risk to loose Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow.
So Johnny Depp is in a position to reap millions with Pirates of The Caribbean 4!
No details of the plot officially announced yet. But according to the book The Art of the Pirates of the Caribbean, the proposed story for the fourth film was for Sparrow and Barbossa to meet up in the newly founded New Orleans, Louisiana, before they sail to find the Fountain of Youth together.
One may imagine that he's getting bored on his ghost ship and tries to explore new horizons but would need the help of the fountain of youth to survive...
Nothing confirmed yet though, the plot may still be completely different!
Really hope Walt Disney Pictures will carry out this project: Pirates of The Caribbean 4 must be produced for the fans!