We are a shipping company are seeking potential employees to fill in vacancy in our Banjarmasin Office :
April 30, 2010
We are an established international fast ferry operator with regional growth plans.
We require a capable & motivated person seeking an advancement opportunity with good future prospects:
* Responsible for Health, Safety and Environment management for all vessels under responsibility in line with the company’s guidelines and procedure.
* Planning and supervision of dry dock and repair operations (deck) in cooperation with the Technical department.
* To ensure compliance to the requirements of SOLAS/ISM, STCW, ISPS, DSC, HSC, other statutory requirements applicable to the industry.
* Conducting regular routine onboard inspections to ensure company’s operational standards are maintained.
* Liaison with Port State, Flag State during the vessels’ inspections and ensuring rectification of deficiencies and corresponding preventive measures implementation.
* To conduct investigation of failures, defects and accidents, and recommending preventive measures.
* To provide guidance to Masters and staff on all safety and marine matters
* To conduct appraisals on all deck officers (including potential candidates) and assess for suitability
* To deliver training to crews onshore/onboard to improve standards
* Make suggestions for improvements and savings within area of responsibility
* Make suggestions for the improvement of the execution of tasks and working instructions
* Travel outstation as and when required
* Assist on any ad-hoc tasks as required by the management
* Minimum Class 3 Certificate of Competency with capacity served onboard vessel as Deck/Engineer Officer (alternative or equivalent qualifications with relevant experience will be considered).
* Possess strong knowledge of ISM/ ISPS code and Good Seamanship practice
* Indonesian nationality
* Able to conduct effective stand-up training for the crew personnel
* Take initiative for timely and proper actions.
* Demonstrate strong interpersonal, communication and presentation skills
* Mature, proactive, resourceful and hands-on with good initiative.
* Able to work fast and under pressure
* Mature, with an attention to detail
* Work Location: Batam
Qualified or interested candidates, please send your updated resume in MS WORD format to: , stating the following : -
* Availability
* Current / last drawn salaries
* Reasons for leaving previous employment
* Expected Salary
We regret that only shortlisted candidates will be notified.
We require a capable & motivated person seeking an advancement opportunity with good future prospects:
* Responsible for Health, Safety and Environment management for all vessels under responsibility in line with the company’s guidelines and procedure.
* Planning and supervision of dry dock and repair operations (deck) in cooperation with the Technical department.
* To ensure compliance to the requirements of SOLAS/ISM, STCW, ISPS, DSC, HSC, other statutory requirements applicable to the industry.
* Conducting regular routine onboard inspections to ensure company’s operational standards are maintained.
* Liaison with Port State, Flag State during the vessels’ inspections and ensuring rectification of deficiencies and corresponding preventive measures implementation.
* To conduct investigation of failures, defects and accidents, and recommending preventive measures.
* To provide guidance to Masters and staff on all safety and marine matters
* To conduct appraisals on all deck officers (including potential candidates) and assess for suitability
* To deliver training to crews onshore/onboard to improve standards
* Make suggestions for improvements and savings within area of responsibility
* Make suggestions for the improvement of the execution of tasks and working instructions
* Travel outstation as and when required
* Assist on any ad-hoc tasks as required by the management
* Minimum Class 3 Certificate of Competency with capacity served onboard vessel as Deck/Engineer Officer (alternative or equivalent qualifications with relevant experience will be considered).
* Possess strong knowledge of ISM/ ISPS code and Good Seamanship practice
* Indonesian nationality
* Able to conduct effective stand-up training for the crew personnel
* Take initiative for timely and proper actions.
* Demonstrate strong interpersonal, communication and presentation skills
* Mature, proactive, resourceful and hands-on with good initiative.
* Able to work fast and under pressure
* Mature, with an attention to detail
* Work Location: Batam
Qualified or interested candidates, please send your updated resume in MS WORD format to: , stating the following : -
* Availability
* Current / last drawn salaries
* Reasons for leaving previous employment
* Expected Salary
We regret that only shortlisted candidates will be notified.

We are now seeking outstanding professional to join our Winning Team as:
1. Brief Description
* Managing all operational activities related to APL’s vessels calling Jakarta and other ports; and monitoring other vessels where APL’s containers loaded or discharged in Jakarta port.
* Managing and controlling expenditure of Cargo Handling, Equipment Operation and GNA Cost at Tanjung Priok port.
* Managing and controlling process of Custom Manifest (preparation, submission, and redress if any).
* As member of budget team at Head Office, together with other members preparing annual budget and initiating cost saving related to feeder/marine operation and logistics and equipment operation.
2.Key Accountabilities/Duties
* Coordinating between Feeder Ops SIN, Feeder Ops JKT, ASA Relay, Port/JICT Planner, and Vessel, to manage vessels always on the track of plan and timely arrive and depart
* Arrange permits formalities at SEACOM, PPSA in order vessels are allowed to enter Indonesian Ports. (including PKKA for Panjang Port).
* Maximise vessel load ability up to her maximum capacity based to good seamanship’s acknowledge and good stability as per SOLAS. It is included how to maximise vessel with combined cargos Jakarta and Panjang.
* Coordinating with Feeder Ops H/O to manage cargo loading, nominate, shut out or roll over especially in peak season and end month shipment.
* Controlling/monitoring all movements of APL equipment, ensure all process are well applied as per company’s rule.
* Updating of out gate CY, in/out gate depot, shipment receive, vessel load/discharge, routing are timely and correctly done.
* Check and verify all cost related to Cargo Handling, Equipment Operation and GNA are in line with Contract Agreement, put authorised approval to every invoice if it is OK and reject if otherwise.
* Together with Tanjung Priok Controller to always maintain timely payment of PNBP (Custom and Navigation). Also maintaining Cash to always sufficient for vessel clearance in/out and cargo operation.
* Coordinating with Documentation Team H/O for the correctness of Custom Manifest before submitted to Custom Office.
* Coordinating with IT and Documentation H/O for EDI Custom Manifest preparation, which is mandatory since 1 June 2006.
* Together with Budget Team at H/O preparing Indonesia Cargo Handling Budget for Equipment Operation, Maintenance and Repair (MnR) and Feeder Marine Operation.
3.Incumbent specification
Education : Background from Merchant Marine College With Ship’s captain certificate
Experience : 5 years in Terminal Port Manager (land/office/sea)
Skill Sets : Computer literate (Windows, Excel, MS Words etc), Presentation skill, Good communication in English and Bahasa Indonesia is must, Understanding of Operation process management.
Desired Competencies (Typical)
* Strong Managerial and leadership skills
* Good in communication, Good team work and good initiative
Only short listed Candidates will be selected. Please send your CV latest 3 weeks from this advertisement
to : hr_indo
April 08, 2010
MOL tests LNG-fueled shoreside power supply

Mitsui O.S.K. Lines, Ltd. (MOL) reports that MOL and California-based CleanAir Logix, Inc. (CAL) have successfully tested a liquefied natural gas (LNG)-fueled shore power supply system on the containership 4,500 TEU containership MOL Enterprise.
The electricity was supplied to the vessel while a number of visitors, including officials in Port of Los Angels looked on.
MOL says it will use the results of this test to develop and provide shore power supply sources in the Port of Los Angeles, thereby helping reduce the burden on the environment.
CAL used a system that was connected to the power cable for the bow thruster motor. Power was connected to this line from an on-shore generator that runs on LNG, substantially reducing emissions of pollutants such as NOx and SOx compared to running the vessel's generators, which operate on heavy fuel oil. During the test, only two of the ship's four onboard generators were in use.


(An International Shipping Company) is searching for
General Qualifications:
* University Graduate (S1) with minimum GPA 3.00
* Fluent in English both spoken and written
* Basic Japanese language can be an advantage
* Have good presentation skills
* Age below 30 years old, preferably fresh graduate
* Posses own car
* Hardworking, cautious, thorough, target oriented, fast learner, self motivated and outgoing
* Be able to work under pressures and know how to treat customers
Please send your application, CV, copy of certificates and recent photograph 2 weeks from the date of this advertisement to:
HRD Department
World Trade Center 15th floor
Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav 29-31
Jakarta 12920
or apply the application through our website :
or to our email address:
Only short-listed candidates will be notified.

PT Andhika Lines is a well established national shipping company which business engaged in owning, operating & managing of ships, logistic, stevedoring & warehousing. Due to our business expansion, we are looking urgently for the position of :
* Male, age between 40 - 47 years old
* Posses at least 5 years experience in maritime industry
* Able to work over time if necessary (conditional) or in urgent condition
* Experienced working in tanker
* Good interpersonal skill, strong integrity, leadership, communication, coordination, customer service orientation & has positive attitude.
* Have seaman's documents and related certifications
* Familiar with computer applications & email browser.
* Good command both spoken & written English
* Willing to travel throughout Indonesia & abroad
* Minimum S1 Engineering / Maritime Academy with min. possess ATT-I certificate with experienced as Chief Engineer on board the ship and superintendent
* Strongly conversant with vessel technical aspect and oil pollution prevention
* Deep knowledge with International Maritime regulation, especially deals with ship's technical aspect. i.e.: STCW, Solas and Marpol
* Fully conversant with ISM Code / ISO requirement
* Male, age between 35 - 45 years old
* Familiar with computer applications & email browser.
* Good interpersonal skill, strong integrity, leadership, communication, coordination, customer service orientation & has positive attitude.
* Good command both spoken & written English
* Willing to be located throughout Indonesia
* Minimum D4/S1 from reputable shipping academy majoring in marine engineering in nautics
* Posses at least 3 years experience in similar/related position and industry
* Male, age between 35 - 45 years old
* Familiar with computer applications (spreadsheet and word processing) & email browser.
* Good interpersonal skill, strong integrity, leadership, communication, coordination, customer service orientation & has positive attitude.
* Good command both spoken & written English
* Willing to be located throughout Indonesia
* Minimum D4/S1 from reputable shipping academy majoring in marine engineering in nautics
* Posses at least 3 years experience in similar/related position and industry
* Male, age 35-45 years old
* Familiar with computer applications & email browser.
* Good interpersonal skill, strong integrity, leadership, communication, coordination, customer service orientation & has positive attitude.
* Good command both spoken & written English
* Attentive to details
* Minimum S1 preferably from reputable university, majoring in Health, Safety & Occupational Environment
* Posses at least 5 years experience in similar/related position and industry
* Involved in certification for ISO and OHSAS within the company would be advantage
Please send your comprehensive resume with supporting documents at the latest 14 days after this advertisement to :
Email :
(not more than 150 KB)
PO BOX 4741 JKTM 12700
Please put your job code on your email subject or on the left top of envelope
Only short listed candidate will be follow up
April 05, 2010
Lowongan Kerja Pelaut ANT III di PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) April 2010

PT. Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero), BUMN yang bergerak dibidang jasa kepelabuhanan membutuhkan 14 (empat belas) orang tenaga Calon Pandu dengan penjelasan sebagai berikut:
I. Persyaratan:
- Usia maksimal 35 tahun
- Berijazah minimal ANT III
- Masa berlayar sebagai perwira minimal 2 (dua) tahun diutamakan berpengalaman ex Nakhoda
- Bersedia mengikut diklat Calon Pandu
- Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh wilayah kerja perusahaan
- Sehat dan bebas narkoba
- Tinggi badan minimal 160cm
- Tidak buta warna dan visus normal (tidak berkaca mata positif atau negatif)
- Mampu berbahasa Inggris aktif
- Kemampuan dasar berenang yang baik
- Bersedia menjalani ikatan dinas
II. Bagi kandidat yang berminat agar menyampaikan surat lamaran dengan melampirkan:
- Daftar Riwayat Hidup
- Fotocopy Ijazah ANT terakhir (legalisir), KTP yang masih berlaku, Buku Pelatu dan atau Surat Keterangan Masa Berlayar, dan sertifikat pelatihan kepelautan yang dimiliki
- Keterangan sehat jasmani dan rohani dari Balai Kesehatan Kerja Pelayaran (BKKP) atau Rumah Sakit yang ditunjuk oleh BKKP
- Pas foto ukuran 4×6 sebanyak 2 lembar
- Cantumkan pada sudut kanan atas sampul surat lamaran kode “PANDU-10″
Surat Lamaran berikut lampirannya agar dikirimkan melalui surat pos selambat-lambatnya tanggal 16 April 2010 (stempel pos) yang ditujukan kepada:
Tim Rekrutmen dan Seleksi
Jakarta 14310
III. Lain-lain
- Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi persyaratan yang akan diproses lebih lanjut
- Pengumuman hasil seleksi diinformasikan melalui surat atau dapat dilihat di:
I. Persyaratan:
- Usia maksimal 35 tahun
- Berijazah minimal ANT III
- Masa berlayar sebagai perwira minimal 2 (dua) tahun diutamakan berpengalaman ex Nakhoda
- Bersedia mengikut diklat Calon Pandu
- Bersedia ditempatkan diseluruh wilayah kerja perusahaan
- Sehat dan bebas narkoba
- Tinggi badan minimal 160cm
- Tidak buta warna dan visus normal (tidak berkaca mata positif atau negatif)
- Mampu berbahasa Inggris aktif
- Kemampuan dasar berenang yang baik
- Bersedia menjalani ikatan dinas
II. Bagi kandidat yang berminat agar menyampaikan surat lamaran dengan melampirkan:
- Daftar Riwayat Hidup
- Fotocopy Ijazah ANT terakhir (legalisir), KTP yang masih berlaku, Buku Pelatu dan atau Surat Keterangan Masa Berlayar, dan sertifikat pelatihan kepelautan yang dimiliki
- Keterangan sehat jasmani dan rohani dari Balai Kesehatan Kerja Pelayaran (BKKP) atau Rumah Sakit yang ditunjuk oleh BKKP
- Pas foto ukuran 4×6 sebanyak 2 lembar
- Cantumkan pada sudut kanan atas sampul surat lamaran kode “PANDU-10″
Surat Lamaran berikut lampirannya agar dikirimkan melalui surat pos selambat-lambatnya tanggal 16 April 2010 (stempel pos) yang ditujukan kepada:
Tim Rekrutmen dan Seleksi
Jakarta 14310
III. Lain-lain
- Hanya kandidat yang memenuhi persyaratan yang akan diproses lebih lanjut
- Pengumuman hasil seleksi diinformasikan melalui surat atau dapat dilihat di:
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